Spam that goes unnoticed on recipe sites

Hi Siftrs,

In this issue of Siftr, we discuss spam. And no, not the canned meat kind. 😂

Today’s Siftr newsletter reports on Google’s spam algorithm — sexy, we know! — and how it applies to recipe sites.

This issue also outlines a few common ways recipe site owners violate Google’s spam policies, often without knowing it. 😬

Essential insights from this Siftr issue are:

  • Google algorithms that apply, and do not apply to recipe sites.

  • Google’s spam policies, and which ones affect recipe sites.

  • Dealing with AI and robot-powered comment spam.

  • What food blog comment trains are, and why they’re a spam problem.

  • Three comment spam-related tasks to do today!

Subscribe to Siftr newsletter subscription (monthly) to read the rest.

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