Introducing Siftr

When my business partner Carla and I started Foodie Digital in 2019 we saw a need for better SEO and content strategy support for recipe sites.

Since then, the food blogging community's appetite for recipe-specific, SEO-focused information has only grown.

Together, Carla and I quickly grew Foodie Digital into a 100+ member community with 35+ million views per month in its purview (and counting!).

This first-hand experience means we’ve got a realistic perspective on what it takes to move the traffic needle today as search marketers.

One of the biggest challenges recipe site entrepreneurs face is marketing their content effectively using SEO in the ever-evolving search landscape.

If you’re in the recipe space, you know SEO can be tough.

But I haven’t met a food blogger who doesn’t want to get better at — and grow their business — with SEO.

That’s why I’m excited about my investment in Siftr. 🎉

Siftr is the new, must-read newsletter dedicated exclusively to SEO for recipes.

Siftr delivers the latest search news and actionable insights straight to your inbox every second Monday. 💌 

For just $11 a month (USD) — which is way less than the cost of an SEO audit — you'll gain fresh perspectives and creative strategies to drive more — and better! — organic traffic to your food blog

Why is Siftr a paid newsletter?

The paid newsletter medium ensures that the insights and ideas raised by Siftr are equitable. Siftr isn’t going to become a sales funnel for an SEO course.

The Siftr newsletter won’t morph into an upsell for an SEO audit or content audit, or become a promotional tool to sell you a pricey mastermind.

Search marketing, as you know, has a lot of different camps and schools of thought, some of which are terrifically creative, others from the SEO old school.

Siftr doesn’t subscribe to any one school of thought when it comes to reporting on content strategies or advanced recipe SEO.

It just reports the data. How refreshing!

If I’ve learned anything in my time as the Managing Director of Foodie Digital, it’s that the recipe niche needs the creative perspective, fresh and fun tone, and recipe-specific SEO insights the Siftr newsletter offers.

Why the name Siftr?

To ‘sift’ is to examine something thoroughly, to isolate what’s most important or useful. Perfectly fitting for our vision with Siftr.

Friends, subscribe to Siftr today at and take your SEO to the next level. Hundreds of food bloggers already have!

Rooting for you. 💛