Can't grow? Is it link swap related?

Hi Siftrs,

Today’s Siftr newsletter is all about the hidden SEO pain of participating in food blog link chains, also called link building schemes, or link swaps.

Remember that fun popsicle week link swap thing you joined back in 2014? Or the couple of backlinks you and a friend swapped last year to help each other out?

Both are examples of link spam, and can hurt a recipe site’s organic visibility. 😮

Talk to your food blogging friends STAT.

(We can hear the Slack pings now!!)

Because even just 1-2 instances of link swaps on a food blog can crush or plateau organic traffic growth.

This Siftr newsletter covers:

  • Recipe news worth knowing about

  • What food blog link chains are

  • The ways Google’s link spam policies affect recipe sites

  • What is not considered a link chain

  • Two link chain clean-up case studies, plus their results

  • What to do if you have link swaps on your site

Subscribe to Siftr newsletter subscription (monthly) to read the rest.

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